Emilio Chuvieco Salinero

Professor of Regional Geographic Analysis

Telf.: +34 91885 4438

ORCID: 0000-0001-5618-4759

Research Lines:

Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing (Forest Fires, Global Change, Deforestation, Natural Disasters). Environmental ethics and religious attitudes towards environmental conservation.

F. Javier Salas Rey

Professor of Regional Geographic Analysis

Telf.: +34 91 885 5259

ORCID: 0000-0002-8208-6703

Research Lines:

GIS and Remote Sensing applied to forest fire risk, vegetation mapping, and change detection.

Inmaculada Aguado Suárez

Professor of Regional Geographic Analysis

Telf.: +34 91 885 5262

ORCID: 0000-0002-9975-849X

Research Lines:

Wildfire risk assessment and cartography. Relation between Forest Fire Severity and post-fire recovery. Forest Fires disturbance monitoring from Landsat time series.

Julia Clemente Párraga

Associate Professor – Department of Automation

Telf.: +34 91 885 66 05

ORCID: 0000-0001-8821-4086

Research Lines:

Artificial Intelligence applications, especially Data Science and Machine Learning, on the topics of Health and Environmental protection.

Mariano García Alonso

Associate Professor

Telf.: +34 91 885 4435

ORCID: 0000-0001-6260-5791

Research Lines:

Characterization of 3D forest structure and dynamics at different scales using active (LiDAR, SAR) and passive sensors; remote sensing applied to forest fires: estimation of forest full properties (moisture content and structure), fire damage assessment and post-fire vegetation recovery; integration of remotely sensed data using machine learning techniques; radiative transfer models; assessment of deforestation and forest degradation processes; forest health assessment.

Paloma Ruiz Benito

Associate Professor

Telf.: +34 91 885 6448

ORCID: 0000-0002-2781-5870

Research Lines:

Global change effects on forests including underlying factors of demographic responses and multifuncionality; potential effects of climate change and extreme events; role of functional diversity and implications for forest management and restoration.

Mario Burgui Burgui

Assistant Professor. PhD in Land Use Planning and Environment. M.Sc. in Environment and Development. Degree in Environmental and Agricultural Biology.

Telf.: +34 918 856 384

ORCID: 0000-0002-4159-1324

Research Lines:

Tourism Geography. Landscape Geography. Carbon Footprint. Environmental Ethics.

Mihai Andrei Tanase

Ramon y Cajal Research Fellow

Telf.: +34 91 885 5508

ORCID: 0000-0002-0045-2299

Research Lines:

Vegetation mapping and monitoring based on active and passive sensors synergies; fire impacts on vegetation; estimation of forest biophysical variables from remote sensing; natural hazards.

Patricia Oliva Pavón

Beatriz Galindo Research Fellow. Ph.D. in Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing. Degree in Environmental Sciences

Telf.: +34 91 885 5257

ORCID: 0000-0001-5051-3662

Research Lines:

Design of algorithms for burned area mapping; detection of hot spots in VIIRS images; estimation of emissions produced by forest fires; study of smoke plume dispersion; analysis of the effect of pollution produced by forest fires on public health.

Mª Lucrecia Pettinari

Associate researcher. PhD in Geographic Information Technologies. M.Sc. in Geographic Information Technologies. Environmental Engineer.

Telf.: +34 91 885 5257

ORCID: 0000-0002-7472-4373

Research Lines:

Global fuel mapping, wildfire risk assessment, fire behaviour, burned area detection at global and regional scale. Scientific Project Management.

Rubén Ramo Sánchez

PhD in Geographic Information Technologies. M.Sc. in Geographic Information Technologies. Degree in Environmental Sciences. Currently working at the spin-off company Complutig

Telf.: +34 91 885 5264

ORCID: 0000-0003-0255-3090

Research Lines:

Application of SIG and remote sensing in precision agriculture, extensive cattle industry and vegetation monitoring in real time.
Artificial intelligence, Big Data and data mining. Burned Area mapping, land cover and vegetation monitoring through remote sensing.

Marc Padilla Parellada

PhD in Geographic Information Technologies. Forestry Engineer. Currently working at the spin-off company Complutig.

Telf.: +34 91 885 5264

ORCID: 0000-0002-9432-6591

Research Lines:

Burned area mapping in real time through modelization and remote sensing, validation of burned area products, change detection, artificial intelligence and data fusion.

César Quishpe Vásquez

Post-doctoral researcher in the ConIF-Salud project. PhD. in Physics and Space Sciences from University of Granada.

Telf.: +34 91 885 5257

ORCID: 0000-0002-3598-8173

Research Lines:

Analysis of forest fires, emissions, air pollution, dispersion models and their effects on public health associated with cardiovascular diseases.

Elena Aragoneses de la Rubia

Double degree in Environmental Sciences and Geography and Territory Planning (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - UAM), M.Sc. in Geographic Information Technologies (University of Alcalá - UAH). PhD student in the Department of Geology, Geography and Environment, University of Alcalá. FPU-Ministry. FirEUrisk project.

Telf.: +34 91 885 4482

ORCID: 0000-0003-2651-7561

Research Lines:

Mapping and parameterization of forest fuels with remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems.

Fátima Arrogante Funes

Forest Engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), M.Sc. en Geographic Information Technologies (UAH). Researcher in the Anthropofire and FirEUriks projects. PhD student with a FPI-MCIU contract.

Telf.: +34 91 885 4482

Research Lines:

Development of remote sensing and spatial data methods for the cartography and evaluation of terrestrial ecosystem vulnerability to fires at a global scale, modelization of environmental variables using machine learning techniques.

Marina Rodes Blanco

Forest Engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid-UPM). MSc in Agri-environmental and Agri-Food Sciences (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-UAM and Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - UNED). PhD student in the Department of Geology, Geography and Environment (UAH).

Telf.: +34 91 885 4482

ORCID: 0000-0001-9326-5101

Research Lines:

Forest health assessment from remote sensing data, forest dynamics and structure, spatial ecology, biodiversity and conservation of tropical ecosystems.

Amin Khaïroun

M.Sc. in Geoinformation and Environmental Management. Engineer in Ecology and Natural Ecosystems Management. PhD student in the Environmental Remote Sensing Research Group (UAH). Researcher in the FireCCI+ project.

Telf.: +34 91 885 4482

ORCID: 0000-0002-5757-5126

Research Lines:

Change detection, analysis of burned area and deforestation trends.

María Cristina Mihai Dragomir

B.Sc. in Environmental sciences (Autonomous University of Madrid- UAM), M.Sc. in Geographic Information Technologies (University of Alcala - UAH). FPI-MCIU doctoral fellowship. PhD student at the Geographic Information Technologies Program (UAH).

Telf.: +34 91 885 4482

Research Lines:

Near-real time forest monitoring based on active and passive sensors synergies; change detection; estimation of biophysical variables from remote sensing.

Sofía Miguel Romero

Degree in Geography (Universidad de Barcelona). M.Sc. in Tropical Biodiversity and Conservation (Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo - Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, UIMP- CSIC). Researcher in the FoDiM Project at UAH.

Telf.: +34 91 885 4482

Research Lines:

Forest disturbances monitoring using dense time series of Landsat satellite images, and spatio-temporal trend analysis.

Clara Ochoa Vélez

B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences (University of León), M.Sc. in Geographic Information Technologies (University of Alcala). Contract in the European Project FirEUrisk. PhD student in the Department of Geology, Geography and Environment, University of Alcala.

Telf.: +34 918854454

Research Lines:

Remote sensing of fires, machine learning, development of a model of fire occurrence due to anthropogenic factors, collaboration in the development of a fire risk management integration strategy in Europe.

Álvaro Chávez Durán

M.Sc. in Earth Sciences with Geomatics specialization. Topography Engineer. PhD student in the Geology, Geography and Environment Department, University of Alcala. PhD student in Biosystematics Sciences, Ecology, Management of Natural and Agricultural Resources, University of Guadalajara, México.

Telf.: +34 91 885 4482

Research Lines:

Forest fire management. Forest fuel loads estimation using Geospatial Artificial Intelligence techniques.

Pegah Mohammadpour

M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering (Amirkabir University of Technology- Tehran Polytechnic), PhD student and researcher with joint doctorate degrees from the University of Coimbra (Department of Mechanical Engineering-ADAI) and University of Alcala (Department of Geology, Geography, and the Environment- GITA).


Research Lines:

Forest vegetation mapping and fuel type mapping by fusion of satellite and drone data for fuel management and wildfire risk reduction.


M. Pilar Martín

Scientific researcher at the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the Higher Council for Scientific Research. Scientific manager of the spectroradiometry and environmental remote sensing laboratory (SpecLab).

Telf.: +34 91 602 23 93

ORCID: 0000-0002-5563-8461

Research Lines:

Remote sensing environmental applications: mapping of forest fires, precision agriculture, estimation of biophysical variables of vegetation in relation to water and carbon fluxes. Environmental applications of Geographic Information Systems: forest fires (human risk factors), assessment and representation of the landscape.

Marta Yebra Álvarez

PhD in Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing. Research Fellow, Australian National University

ORCID: 0000-0002-4049-9315

Research Lines:

Role of the vegetation in water and carbon balances. Analysis of water and carbon fluxes temporal series with ancillary vegetation and soil measurements to test and improve the AWARA eco-hydrological model at continental scale.

Aitor Bastarrika

Geodesy and Cartography Engineer. PhD in GIS and Remote Sensing from the University of Alcalá. Professor at the University of the Basque Country, Topography Section.

Research Lines:

Automatic mapping of burned area from high and low spatial resolution images. Automatic extraction of elements from images and LiDAR data.

Susana Martínez Sánchez

PhD in Agronomic Engineering, M.Sc. in Geographic Information Technologies

Research Lines:

Analysis and characterization of landscapes and their units. Characterization of changes in the landscape: dynamic processes and their relation with biodiversity loss. Fire regimes and their consequences on the landscape. Global change. Climate change and land use change. Landscape Ecology.

Gonzalo Otón Azofra

PhD and Master in Geographic Information Technologies. Degree in Environmental Sciences. Expert in Applied Entomology.

ORCID: 0000-0002-3299-6442

Research Lines:

Quantification and mapping of tree diversity and forest resilience with advanced remote sensing techniques(optical, SAR and Lidar) and data analysis. Assessment of the interplay between biodiversity and resilience.
Other research lines: Burned area algorithms. Time series analysis. Fire severity. Machine Learning.

Joshua Lizundia Loiola

PhD. in Geographic Information Technologies. Degree in Geomatics Engineering and Topography. Specialist in Geoinformation Analysis, Ms.C. in Geoinformatic and Geospatial Analysis.

Telf.: +34 91 885 4482

ORCID: 0000-0002-6662-9165

Research Lines:

Burned area algorithms, global burned area mapping at global scale using remote sensing.

Alba Viana Soto

PhD in Geographic Information Technologies (UAH). B.Sc. in Geography and Land Use Planning (University of Santiago de Compostela- USC), M.Sc. in Geographic Information Technologies (University of Alcala - UAH). FPU-MCIU doctoral fellowship.

Research Lines:

Vegetation characterisation and modelling of post-fire recovery from optical remote sensing and LiDAR.

Ignacio Borlaf Mena

PhD in Geographic Information Technologies (UAH). Degree in Environmental Sciences, M.Sc. in Geographic Information Technologies (UAH).

Research Lines:

Mosaic generation and forest variables analysis with optical and Radar images; machine learning applications and machine vision to detect forest variables changes.

Magí Franquesa Fuentetaja

PhD in Geographic Information Technologies (UAH). B.Sc. in biology (University of Balearic Islands - UIB), M.Sc. en Geographyc Information Tecnologies (University of Zaragoza – UNIZAR).

Telf.: +34 91 885 4482

ORCID: 0000-0003-3101-0394

Research Lines:

Validation and error analysis of burned area products.